HNI Reaches 2025 Emissions Goal - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions, Industrial, Sourcing Renewables  -  April 27, 2021

HNI Reaches Emissions Goal, Plans Next Target

Having far exceeded its 2025 goal of 35% Scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction, HNI Corporation now plans to eliminate 40% of its Scope 3 GHG emissions and 50% of its energy intensity by 2035 (compared to 2018 levels). The manufacturer of workplace furnishings and residential building products reported its progress with the release of its 2020 CSR report.

The report’s findings reveal HNI’s significant progress towards its SBTi-aligned goals. The company, in comparison to 2018 levels, has achieved: 

  • 100% renewable energy sources for its global electricity use
  • 60% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions per ton of products sold (accounting for renewable energy credits)
  • 15% reduction in natural gas use
  • 13% decrease in electricity use
  • 13% reduction in Scope 3 emissions
  • 8% decrease in energy consumption per product sold

“More than ever, it is clear to me that the connections among our business, our environment, and our people, including customers, members, suppliers, and communities where we do business, are critical to our collective long-term success as we make better choices today for a better tomorrow,” said Jeff Lorenger, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of HNI Corporation, in a statement. “We have built upon the goals we set in 2018 to increase our transparency, our positive impacts, and our commitments to the planet and our members.”

For more information, see HNI’s 2020 Corporate and Social Responsibility Report.



Keywords: HNI Corporation

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