Canadian Pacific Railway Target Emissions from Operations and Trains - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions  -  August 2, 2021

Canadian Pacific Railway Target Emissions from Operations and Trains

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited announced July 26 its commitment to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions from non-locomotive operations by at least 27% by 2030 as part of its first comprehensive climate strategy.

The transcontinental railway released its new strategy detailing plans to reduce its carbon footprint, establish an understanding of climate-related risk and opportunities and adapt its operations to these risks. CP is also targeting a reduction of its Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions intensity of its locomotives, its biggest emissions sources, by 38% before 2030.

CP is pursuing various energy projects in pursuit of these targets, such as the installation of a solar farm at its Calgary corporate campus to cover its energy use and initiating a hydrogen locomotive program to develop hydrogen-powered trains with fuel cells and batteries.

“CP's Climate Strategy is ambitious, which we feel appropriately reflects the urgency of the fight against climate change. We look forward to collaborating with government, industry and research partners to create and test the new solutions required to achieve our targets,” Keith Creel, CP president and CEO, said in a statement. “CP has been in business for 140 years and this collective commitment to sustainability and willingness to integrate new approaches will ensure we have a future as bright as our past.”

By achieving these emissions targets, CP could address 100% of its Scope 1 and 2 emissions and more than half of its Scope 3 emissions. All its targets are established under the guidelines of the Science-Based Targets initiative and in alignment with the Paris Agreement and the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

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