Wind Energy Leaders Call for Accelerated Industry Growth - Smart Energy Decisions

Wind  -  October 18, 2021

Wind Energy Leaders Call for Accelerated Industry Growth

Leaders in global wind energy released Oct. 18 a manifesto calling on the world’s governments to prioritize rapidly scaling up wind and renewable energy installations in the face of inadequate growth rates.

A group of 90 companies led by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) announced eight actions at the BNEF London summit that governments should do to reach net zero on time. The group estimates that current growth rates will mean only 43% of the required wind capacity will be achieved by 2050.

The companies involved in the initiative insist that annual wind energy installations worldwide must quadruple within the next decade if net zero targets are to be reached. The actions being called for include:

  1. Increase wind power ambition and reflect this in updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), comprehensive national climate strategies and long-term energy plans.
  2. Commit to rapid phase out of coal-based generation now.
  3. Design and implement energy markets for the future.
  4. Implement streamlined and sensible permitting schemes for renewable energy projects to accelerate deployment and minimise project attrition.
  5. Initiate plans to rapidly build out clean energy grids and charging stations for electric vehicles.
  6. Develop cohesive and inclusive policies which dedicate public resource to the people-centred shift to a net zero economy.
  7. Align national and regional finance flows with benchmarks for a net zero, 1.5°C-compliant pathway.
  8. Advance voluntary cooperation on carbon pricing under articles 6.2 and 6.4 of the Paris agreement.

Signatories of the manifesto include the largest wind energy companies such as estas, Siemens-Gamesa, Goldwind, Mingyang, Nordex-Acciona, Iberdrola, ENEL, SSE, Orsted, EDP Renovables, Equinor, Mainstream Renewable Power, Green Investment Group and DNV.

“This Manifesto sets out the meaningful actions that governments need to carry out to realise the energy transition,” GWEC CEO Ben Backwell said in a statement. “Governments need to aim higher and deeper – updating their NDCs to drive real change, cutting red tape and streamline permitting procedures, and supporting vital investments in infrastructure. The recent volatility in global energy markets shows the importance of moving decisively to phase out of coal and other fossil fuel based generation and create energy markets which are fit for purpose for a clean and sustainable future.”

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