Santa Fe County Commission Sets 2050 Goal - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions  -  January 26, 2022

Santa Fe County Commission Sets 2050 Goal

The Santa Fe County Commission voted to adopt an initial plan to reduce its GHG emissions by 2050.

The members of the commission unanimously voted for this initiative that includes six five-year phases, according to an article by the Santa Fe New Mexican. The draft plan includes efforts to lower emissions by focusing on efficiency projects within the county’s buildings and facilities, water and wastewater, transportation, and solid waste.

Commissioner Anna Hamilton said the plan is a “landmark” in the county.

The first phase of the plan, which has started, is to lower emissions by 25% by 2025 by making improvements to its facilities.  The second phase is to reduce emissions by another 15% by 2020 by transitioning medium- and heavy-duty vehicles to electric vehicles and by using alternatives. No plan has been created for the rest of the phases.

In 2017 the county agreed to adopt the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and also participated in the global “Race to Zero” pledge, which has an aim to reach net zero GHG by 2050.

The commission voted in May to approve the GHG emission inventory reports from 2008, 2017, and 2018 and begin conducting research on how to lower emissions. The 2018 report will serve as the benchmark level for emissions

The Sante Fe county buildings and facilities emit the most emissions or 55% of almost  12,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually while the fleet and water and wastewater activities produce the rest of the emissions.

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