Charles River Laboratories Signs Wind VPPA in Spain - Smart Energy Decisions

Sourcing Renewables, Wind  -  February 4, 2022

Charles River Laboratories Signs Wind VPPA in Spain

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. announced it has entered into a VPPA for 35 MW of wind energy in Spain. This agreement will address the company’s European power requirement of 100% renewable energy by 2023. 

The VPPA was signed with Repsol as part of the energy company’s  Delta II project that has already begun construction. Once it is completed in 2023 it will have a total capacity of 860 MW distributed among 26 wind farms located in the Spanish region of Aragon. 

This VPPA is the second of Charles River’s recent announcements related to renewable electricity. In June 2021, Charles River announced a solar contract to address the entirety of its North American electric power requirements. That project is also on track to begin providing Charles River with renewable energy benefits by 2023. As a result of the two VPPAs, Charles River anticipates that 90% of all its global electricity will be supplied by renewable energy by 2023.

“Charles River has continued to drive down our Scope 1 and 2 GHG reductions toward our goal of a 50% reduction on an absolute basis by 2030, achieving a 26% reduction from 2018 to 2020. This European VPPA will move us significantly closer to meeting our overall goal of a 50% reduction by 2030,” said Gregg Belardo, Senior Director of EHS & Sustainability at Charles River, in a statement

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