China Raises Energy Efficiency Targets - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  February 18, 2022

China Raises Energy Efficiency Targets

China increased the benchmark levels of energy efficiency for its aluminum industry over the next three years, which will require an increase in capacity of 30% by 2025. 

China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) wrote in a Feb. 11 document that the country wants to increase efficiency in industries that use a large amount of energy such as the zinc and copper businesses. These industries can reach their new efficiency levels by using decarbonization options and utilizing energy savings, according to the document. The industries that should follow this strategy include primary aluminum and over 50% of smelting capacity in the copper, zinc, and lead industries, according to a report by S&P Global Platts.

The NDRC report also mentioned focusing on the steel, ferroalloy and nonferrous metals sectors.

At the end of 2020, 40% of copper and lead smelting capacity was reported higher than the energy-efficient benchmarks and only 10% of the capacity remained less than the baseline level.

In the zinc industry, at least 30% smelting capacity was higher than the benchmark level and only 15% was lower than the baseline level.

The primary aluminum smelting capacity performed better and only 10% was higher than benchmark efficiency levels, although 20% was lower than the baseline level.

In 2021, the NDRC and other three departments released their energy-efficiency targets for industries that utilize large amounts of energy and produce carbon emissions in greater quantities.

Their new standard was effective Jan. 1 as several projects have emitted large amounts of pollution and is in agreement with an action plan released by the NDRC to increase energy-saving and decarbonization through stricter efficiency targets for 2021-2025.


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