Maine Begins Solar Projects - Smart Energy Decisions

Solar, Sourcing Renewables  -  March 8, 2022

Maine Begins Community Solar Projects

Five community solar projects in Maine secured funding for New Hampshire Solar Garden’s pipeline of projects.

Luminia, formerly SD Renewables, entered a joint development agreement with New Hampshire Solar Garden to secure funding for New Hampshire Solar Garden’s pipeline of projects.

The projects’ combined 15 MWs of solar adds to Luminia’s community solar portfolio, enabling local residents to access the benefits of affordable solar energy. Through its unique financial offering and proprietary technology platform, Luminia provides New Hampshire Solar Garden with access to intermediate and long-term financing.

“Community solar is essential for many parties in the transition to renewable energy. We are thrilled to team up with Luminia in forming a long-term partnership that increases our access to capital, allowing us to accelerate momentum for a healthier planet,” said Andrew Kellar, founder of New Hampshire Solar Garden in a statement. “As Maine strives to become a carbon-neural state by 2045, securing the funding and resources needed to turn that vision into reality is what Luminia brings to the table – and much more.”

The Maine community solar farms – located in Baldwin, Berwick, Brewer, Eliot and Standish – allow residents to purchase credits from a remote solar PV system, resulting in reduced electricity bills. 

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