City of Milpitas Adds Microgrids, Energy Upgrades - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions, Power Prices, Solar  -  April 20, 2022

City of Milpitas Adds Microgrids, Energy Upgrades

The City of Milpitas announced the construction of new sustainable microgrids and a number of city-wide water and energy conservation initiatives, which are part of its Smart City infrastructure program. 

The 10 water and energy infrastructure improvement measures in the construction phase of the initiative are either complete or nearing completion and will be delivered in collaboration with ENGIE North America. These measures will contribute to the city’s Climate Action Plan and resiliency goals and reduce its operations, maintenance, and utility costs.

The City of Milpitas and ENGIE completed work on water upgrades to 25 public buildings and parks; 2,185 LED streetlight retrofits; 4,453 streetlight controls upgrades with outage detection; and city-wide LED lighting upgrades in parks, sports fields, city buildings, and community facilities.

The projects nearing completion include two landmark microgrid projects at the Milpitas Senior Center and Milpitas Community Center. The microgrids incorporate a 200 kW solar photovoltaic system and energy storage capabilities, enabling the city to reduce its reliance on energy from the utility at these locations and providing a source of clean backup power.

In addition, Milpitas and ENGIE are close to completing the rollout of 15,600 advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) water meters with leak detection; supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and remote communication systems, pumping and automated water treatment; and EV charging stations.

Milpitas’ infrastructure program is expected to drive transformational energy efficiencies for the municipality by reducing utility consumption by more than 4.2 million kWh of electricity per year. 

“The city is proud to be at the forefront of Smart City infrastructure development,” said Mayor Rich Tran in a statement. We are now entering the next phase of our journey, with our deployments ready to be operationalized. We look forward to marking this milestone at our unveiling event this Earth Day and welcome all Milpitas residents to attend and learn about the environmental improvements they’ll benefit from in the months and years ahead.”

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