Metropolitan Launches Dashboard to Track GHG Emission Reductions     - Diversified Communications

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  December 13, 2022

Metropolitan Launches Dashboard to Track GHG Emission Reductions    

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California launched a new dashboard that allows the public to view the district’s progress in meeting its goals to cut GHG emissions.

The web-based CAPDash tool features interactive charts and graphs that display Metropolitan’s GHG emissions data, including the sources of Metropolitan’s emissions, a snapshot of its emissions over time and progress in meeting its target to cut GHG emissions below 1990 levels by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2045.

The data will be updated annually and categorizes the various strategies Metropolitan is employing through its Climate Action Plan to reduce GHG emissions from its operations, including the energy used to convey, store, treat and deliver water throughout its 5,200 square-mile service area.

“Our changing climate is a constant reminder that we must take bold action to reduce our emissions,” said Metropolitan board Chairwoman Gloria D. Gray in a statement. “We are accountable to the plans we put in place, and we encourage the public to engage with us in this process by looking at the data and how our efforts are translating into results.”

Metropolitan emitted about 5.3 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) in 2021, well below its budgeted carbon allowance of 9 million MTCO2e for that year. MTCO2e is a metric used to measure the amount of carbon dioxide and other gasses that are being released into the atmosphere and contributing to climate change.

The comprehensive Climate Action Plan, led by Metropolitan’s new Sustainability, Resiliency and Innovation Office, guides policy and planning decisions on operations, water resources, capital investments and conservation and resource programs. It also mitigates GHG impacts from Metropolitan’s operations and future capital projects under the California Environmental Quality Act.

Some of the ways Metropolitan achieved lower emissions in 2021 included purchasing lower-carbon and carbon-free electricity, developing carbon-free energy generation, improving energy efficiency, continuing water conservation efforts, and developing local supplies.

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