Yelp Calculates Emission Output  - Diversified Communications

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  December 14, 2022

Yelp Calculates Emission Output 

Yelp Inc., developer of the website and mobile app, calculated its Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions for the first time, detailed in its first environmental, social, and governance (ESG) report.

The company has seen a significant reduction in emissions since it fully embraced remote work. Yelp will develop an actionable approach to further reduce the company’s emissions.

“While this is our inaugural ESG report at Yelp, we’ve always focused on delivering on our mission while upholding our values,” said Jeremy Stoppelman, Yelp co-founder and CEO, in a statement. “We're taking this step now to understand where we are today so we can make meaningful strides towards a more sustainable future.”

For the first time, Yelp calculated its carbon footprint in alignment with Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol going back to 2019. The company will make the calculations annually and develop strategies to reduce its footprint. 

Yelp outsources the vast majority of its hardware infrastructure to Amazon Web Services. These data centers operate with numerous environmental impact reduction initiatives, including a robust water stewardship program that seeks to mitigate the impact of water sourcing for use in cooling data centers. 

Moving to a remote workforce has allowed Yelp to reevaluate its office needs, including relocating to its San Francisco office. The office footprint has been reduced and the LEED Platinum-certified building allows the company to further lower its environmental impact through various design features focused on sustainability.

Keywords: Yelp

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