Yokogawa Receives SBTi Approval - Diversified Communications

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Sourcing Renewables  -  March 20, 2023

Yokogawa Receives SBTi Approval

Yokogawa Electric Corporation announces that the Yokogawa Group's GHG emissions reduction targets for 2030 have been certified by the SBTi.

In line with the priorities of the Accelerate Growth 2023 mid-term business plan that commenced in FY2021, Yokogawa set mid-to-long-term sustainability targets that are to be achieved by 2030, according to a statement. For the Yokogawa Group, the goal is to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions 50% from FY2019 levels by FY2030. 

The company, which provides advanced solutions in the areas of measurement, control, and information to customers across a broad range of industries,  also established the target of achieving net-zero emissions across the entire Group by FY2040 and is targeting a 30% reduction from FY2019 levels by FY2030 for the GHG gas emissions of its supply chain (Scope3).

The Yokogawa Group is implementing Group-wide measures that include switching to renewable energy-derived electricity and operating an internal carbon pricing scheme. All of the electricity used by Yokogawa & Co., Ltd. and by Yokogawa Manufacturing Corporation's Komagane Factory comes from renewable energy sources, and other Group companies are looking into doing the same. Initiatives at the head office and Group companies in China, the Netherlands, Bahrain, Germany, Singapore, and Japan include the introduction of solar power generation systems and switching from gasoline-fueled vehicles to electric vehicles. 

Keywords: Yokogawa

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