NASCAR IMPACT Sets Net Zero Goal - Diversified Communications

Commercial, GHG Emissions, Sourcing Renewables  -  April 21, 2023

NASCAR IMPACT Sets Net Zero Goal

During Earth Week, NASCAR announced its plan to reduce the motorsport company’s carbon footprint to zero across its operations by 2035. The goal is part of NASCAR IMPACT, a platform incorporating sustainability, community engagement, and other initiatives.

 “It’s an ambitious goal but one that holds us accountable as we begin to think about sustainability differently,” stated Eric Nyquist, NASCAR’s Chief Communications & Impact Officer, in a statement. “There is much work to be done but the fundamental objective is clear: we must reduce our emissions over time.”

NASCAR will focus on accelerating its efforts to achieve net-zero operating emissions for Scope 1 and 2, which emanate from sources under NASCAR’s purview or are associated with the company’s purchased electricity.

The commitment to achieving net-zero operating emissions over the next 12 years followed NASCAR’s first comprehensive measurement of its carbon footprint. The analysis measured total emissions from all NASCAR offices, race tracks, national series races, and other related operations in 2022.

The carbon measurement has also determined near-term sustainability priorities including 100% renewable electricity at owned race tracks and facilities, the development of sustainable racing fuel, expanded recycling efforts, and on-site EV charging stations.

To report on progress toward its goals, the company will publish an annual NASCAR IMPACT Report, highlighting the collective impact of its sustainability initiatives.



Keywords: NASCAR

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