Bristow Optimizes Aircraft Fuel Efficiency - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  June 12, 2023

Bristow Optimizes Aircraft Fuel Efficiency

Bristow Group Inc. reported on its 2022 sustainability achievements, including using a 10% blend of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for its flights, improved environmental management through ISO 14001:2015 certification, and establishing of a Corporate Environmental Management System.

The company, a provider of vertical flight solutions, also expanded its partnerships with companies developing electric vertical take-off and landing as well as short take-off and landing aircraft.

Bristow implemented energy-saving solutions at many of its locations. Its corporate office in Houston, Texas is LEED certified, and its U.K. search and rescue bases achieved “Very Good” Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method ratings and high-efficiency Energy Performance Certificate ratings.

These bases installed building management systems to monitor energy usage from major building systems, with some using LED lighting with sensors and/or solar panels as well as rainwater harvesting mechanisms. 

Going forward, the company identified the offshore wind industry as an opportunity to diversify its operations in renewable energy and create additional value for its shareholders.

"Sustainability means striking the right balance between our economic, social, and environmental responsibilities," said Bristow President and CEO, Chris Bradshaw, in a statement. "We must strive to have as limited an impact on our local environments as possible. We must also ensure our operations remain robust through the contributions of a diverse and engaged workforce, providing the safe and exemplary service customers have come to expect from us over the past 75 years. This report demonstrates our forward progress on this journey."

More information is provided in its 2022 Sustainability Report.

Keywords: Bristow Group

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