Coldplay’s Tour Produces 47% Fewer Emissions - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  June 12, 2023

Coldplay’s Tour Produces 47% Fewer Emissions

Rock band Coldplay reporrted their current tour, Music Of The Spheres Tour, has produced 47% less in emissions than their previous stadium tour in 2016-17.

The band’s goal was to lower its direct carbon emissions from show production, freight, band and crew travel by 50%, according to a blog post.

“This is a good start – and something that our incredible crew should be very proud of – but clearly there’s still room for improvement,” the band said in the post.

Coldplay said the band is now into the second year of the tour and is able to operate the entire show, including audio, lights, and lasers from an electric battery system that is powered by 100% renewable energy.

The band also has been using electric vehicles and alternative fuels, plus reducing waste and plastic usage to a minimum.

The emissions data from the first 12 months of the tour was collated, assessed and independently validated by Prof. John E. Fernandez of the  Environmental Solutions Initiative.

Coldplay’s fans have also contributed by charging the show batteries on the power bikes and kinetic dance floors; traveling to shows by foot, bicycle or public transport; using recycling bins; ride-shared; bringing refillable water bottles and returning their LED wristbands after the show. 

The tour began in March 2022 and sold over 7 million tickets.

Keywords: Coldplay

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