Vetter Reduces Power Consumption, Carbon Emissions - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  June 16, 2023

Vetter Reduces Power Consumption, Carbon Emissions

Vetter, a German Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMO), reported for the first time its Scope 3 emissions and shows its CO2 balance according to the requirements of the international Greenhouse Gas Protocol. 

The pharmaceutical service provider also significantly reduced electricity consumption and CO2 emissions per euro of gross value added compared to the previous year. 

By 2029, the total emissions in relation to gross value added are to be reduced by 10% compared to the base year 2019.

Details were provided in its second-annual sustainability report. 

"We support our customers in the production of high-quality and vital medicines for their patients worldwide,” says Managing Director Thomas Ottoin a statement. “Hardly any other topic concerns our company as holistically as sustainability. Functioning supply chains are a non-negotiable for us. With our sustainability report, we make our measures, successes and goals even more transparent. This gives our partners confidence in implementing their own sustainability goals."

By using 100% green electricity, the CDMO has worked on its sustainability goals since 2014.  Vetter advanced the expansion and conversion of the individual company sites in the areas of renewable energies, resource efficiency and circular economy.



Keywords: Vetter

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