Elastic Reduces Emissions, Power Consumption - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  June 22, 2023

Elastic Reduces Emissions, Power Consumption

Elastic, the platform for search-powered solutions, measured its emissions for the first time, including Scope 1, Scope 2, and all relevant categories of Scope 3 emissions. 

The company also committed to establishing GHG reduction targets aligned with climate science with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

Despite significant company growth and increased headcount from fiscal years 2020 to 2022, Elastic reduced its electricity consumption by more than 8% and GHG emissions intensity by 40% over the same timeframe.

Details were provided in its second annual Sustainability Report.

“Elastic is committed to sustainability and contributing to our customers' efforts to help build a resilient future for society,” said Ash Kulkarni, CEO, Elastic in a statement. “With our continued sustainability mindset backed by our distributed-by-design approach, we made strong progress in 2022, managing Elastic's carbon impact even as we have grown as a business.”

Elastic hired its first Director of Sustainability and ESG for its sustainability initiatives, including a climate change strategy and alignment with reporting frameworks.



Keywords: Elastic

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