Ferraro Group Increases RE to More Than 88% Globally - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Sourcing Renewables  -  June 30, 2023

Ferraro Group Increases RE to More Than 88% Globally

Ferrero Group unveiled it’s on track to achieve key sustainability targets, with 92% of its global electricity now sourced from renewables, which is up from 84% last year.

The company submitted its targets for 2030. Specifically, it aims to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50%; reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions intensity by 43% from the same baseline; and work with suppliers to identify solutions.

Ferraro Group demonstrated strong progress, elevating its energy efficiency and increasing renewable electricity to more than 88% globally and 100% in Europe.

It also made investments in the production of on-site renewable energy. Specifically, it commissioned a photovoltaic plant and a new 1 MW photovoltaic plant is under completion. Other photovoltaic plants are expected to be installed.

“Across each of the four key pillars of our sustainability framework, the report shows we have made strong progress towards the objectives we have set ourselves,” said Lapo Civiletti, Chief Executive Officer of the Ferrero Group, in a statement. “Despite a challenging economic and geopolitical environment, the Group increased investments to continue to ensure high levels of quality, freshness and safety across all our products, while reducing our environmental impact.”

Highlights are detailed in its Sustainability Progress Report.

Keywords: Ferrero Group

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