Gibson Energy Signs Wind PPA - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Wind  -  September 18, 2023

Gibson Energy Signs Wind PPA

Gibson Energy Inc. announced it entered into a 15-year renewable power purchase agreement (PPA) to add wind power.

The company entered into the agreement with Capstone Infrastructure Corporation and Sawridge First Nation's Buffalo Atlee 2 and 4 wind farms.

"We're proud to partner with Capstone and Sawridge First Nation, as we look to advance our low-carbon transition commitment and play a collaborative role in the expansion of renewable energy in Alberta," said Steven Spaulding, President and CEO, in a statement. "This agreement is a substantial milestone for Gibson and I'm proud of the work our teams put forward to ensure we do our part to positively impact the communities in the surrounding area and support the increasing demand for reliable, clean energy and ultimately, decarbonize the power grid."

Gibson, a Canadian  liquids infrastructure company, will purchase power and environmental attributes from the Buffalo Atlee Phases 2 and 4 wind projects, located near Jenner, Alberta. 

With a combined nameplate capacity of 26 megawatts, the projects are expected to meet over 50% of Gibson's annual electricity needs and offsetting approximately 300,000 tons of carbon emissions over the term of the agreement. 

This agreement helps the company reach its 2025 target to reduce Scope 2 emissions by 50% and 2030 target to completely eliminate its Scope 2 footprint. 

The Buffalo Atlee projects are being built and operated by Capstone in partnership with the Sawridge First Nation, who have an equity interest in the projects. Construction for both projects is underway.

Over the last 12 months Gibson has achieved a 24.8% reduction in storage and handling Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity compared to a 2020 base year.

Keywords: Gibson Energy

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