Aura’s Emission Data Verified - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  December 15, 2023

Aura’s Emission Data Verified

Aura, a safety solution for families, announced that it had achieved its first carbon neutrality goal, offsetting all Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions generated in 2022. 

The company's goal: extending its promise to remain carbon neutral going forward.

"Fulfilling our first carbon neutrality goal is a significant milestone for Aura and a definitive moment in our sustainability journey," said Hari Ravichandran, Founder and CEO of Aura, in a statement. "As we work toward our mission of making a safer internet for all, it is crucial that Aura does its part to serve as a leader both in the technology industry and in society, acting on our responsibility to reverse the impact of the climate crisis."

Earlier this year, Aura pledged to reach carbon neutrality by the end of 2023 alongside the release of its first Aura Cares ESG report.

To achieve its carbon neutrality goal, Aura collected and verified calendar year 2022 Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data. It also purchased verified offsets representing the carbon dioxide equivalents of said emissions. This audit was independently verified by SCS Global Services, with assistance from sustainability advisor ClimeCo, a Warburg Pincus portfolio company.

During the past year, Aura established an ESG governance structure and process designed to facilitate oversight and involvement at every level. These structures enabled Aura to set environmental and social impact goals in 2023 and for the future. 

The carbon offset projects in which Aura invested include a landfill gas-to-power project in Aura's home state of Massachusetts, a forestry project in Alaska, a wind energy project in Texas where Aura's second office is located, and a solar project in India.

Keywords: Aura

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