Distributed Energy Resources, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions - January 8, 2024
DOE Funds EV Infrastructure Projects
The Department of Energy (DOE) announced the selection of 16 projects totaling $32.5 million to advance technology integration in areas that will help achieve net-zero GHG emissions in the transportation sector.
The projects are located in nine states and Washington, D.C. and focus on expanding electric vehicle (EV) deployment and supporting EV charging infrastructure by reducing installation costs, educating consumers, and implementing regional deployment.
The funding supports strategies detailed in the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization.
“DOE is committed to investing in clean energy technologies critical to decarbonizing our transportation system,” said Jeff Marootian, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, in a statement. “This funding supports projects that embody our transformative approach to achieving a clean, safe, secure, and accessible mobility system that benefits Americans in every part of the country.”
These projects are funded through DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO), in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and are expected to:
- Reduce EV infrastructure soft costs across the nation;
- Increase consumer familiarity with EVs and their benefits;
- Demonstrate and deploy novel clean transportation solutions, including electric construction vehicles and school buses; and
- Provide regional clean transportation outreach, education, and training for underserved communities.
The selection for award negotiations is not a commitment by DOE to issue an award or provide funding; DOE and the applicants will first undergo a negotiation and DOE may cancel award negotiations and rescind the selection for any reason.
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