Equinix Achieves 95% RE Use - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Solar, Sourcing Renewables, Wind  -  April 30, 2024

Equinix Achieves 95% RE Use

Equinix, Inc., a digital infrastructure company, maintained 96% renewable energy coverage across its portfolio in 2023, marking the sixth consecutive year of greater than 90% renewable energy coverage across its global footprint.

The data center company’s long-term goal is to achieve 100% renewable energy coverage by 2030. 

Equinix also remains highly focused on improving the energy efficiency of its facilities as measured by power usage effectiveness (PUE), which improved by 8% compared to the prior year. 

The company lowered Scope 1 and 2 operational emissions 24% from the company's 2019 baseline, furthering progress toward its goal of cutting that baseline number in half by 2030.

Equinix issued $4.9 billion in green bonds that have been fully allocated to date, resulting in annual energy savings of ~1,800 GWh and annual avoided emissions of over 669,000 mtCO2.

The company also signed 15 wind and solar power purchase agreements (PPAs) across the European Union, bringing Equinix's global facilities to over 1 GW or approximately 25% PPA coverage once operational.

In addition, Equinix was recognized for its climate performance and transparency in 2023 by achieving the highest ranking of the CDP's Climate Change A List for the second consecutive year. 

As detailed in its 2023 Integrated Sustainability Report, the company was recognized for the third year in a row by the CDP for its supplier engagement practices, with 25% of its qualified Scope 3 emissions covered by supplier-set science-based targets.

"The advancements in the digital world are quickly outpacing the world's existing power grids required to support it," said Christopher Wellise, VP of Sustainability, Equinix, in a statement. "We need to remain focused on delivering the digital infrastructure to meet the demands of society while not compromising sustainability goals. As the world's digital infrastructure company, Equinix views every aspect of its operations through the lens of sustainability. If we expect digital infrastructure to continue to meet performance expectations of rapidly evolving technologies such as AI, we should not compromise sustainability in the process." 

Keywords: Equinix

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