Markley Group Provides Emissions Data for Customers - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  May 1, 2024

Markley Group Provides Emissions Data for Customers

Markley Group, a provider of data center facilities, cloud computing, and network services, today announced its Green Power Partnership (GPP) program to enable customers to offset carbon emissions and participate in environmental conservation.

The purpose of GPP is to provide customers with a simple, accurate way to report their environmental footprint within Markley’s data centers. 

The reports serve as renewable energy verification statements and can be used by customers to validate carbon neutrality data for their annual energy usage. GPP reports can then be shared with auditors to substantiate environmental and sustainability claims.

Markley also has purchased Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) on its customers’ behalf to offset the carbon emissions from non-renewable energy use. 

“Markley has long been known for its security and operational excellence, but we are actively pursuing and executing on ambitious sustainability plans down to the customer level,” said Jeff Markley, CEO, Markley Group, in a statement. “With our commitment to 100% renewable energy, the launch of our GPP program allows our customers to benefit from Renewable Energy Certificates demonstrating that the entirety of their data center power comes from renewable sources.”

The company uses power from Eversource’s Boston grid system, 76% of which is sourced from renewable power sources. 

In 2022, the company enhanced its renewable power base and entered into a community solar power purchase agreement with Borrego (New Leaf Energy) to support the development of solar energy in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Since 2016, the company has worked closely with energy advisory firm Atlas Retail Energy (ARE) on its sustainability goals.


Keywords: Markley Group

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