Blackbaud Lowers Emissions by 92% - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  May 15, 2024

Blackbaud Lowers Emissions by 92%

Blackbaud, a provider of software for powering social impact, achieved 100% carbon neutrality for 2023 emissions and a 92% reduction in global GHG emissions since 2019.

The company also achieved a 23% energy reduction and 45% water reduction at Blackbaud's global headquarters office since 2019 with the transition to a remote-first workforce approach.

Blackbaud plans to maintain carbon neutrality by procuring carbon removal offsets for Scope 1 and select Scope 3 emissions categories, as well as Green-e certified Environmental Attribute Certificates (EACs) for global Scope 2 emissions.

With a goal is to shift from energy sources derived from hydrocarbons to 100% renewable sources, investing in certificates and offsets is not the long-term solution for Blackbaud, according to its 2023 Impact Report.

The company achieved carbon neutrality in 2023 through the purchase of 2,102 EACs covering its Scope 2 emissions and 4,581 carbon credits covering its Scope 1 and the Scope 3 categories of Data Center, Waste, Business Travel, Work from Home, and Employee Commuting. 

The company will also report to CDP Climate and align reporting with the TCFD recommendations, as well as begin development of near-term and long-term Net Zero Science Based Targets (SBTs).

"At Blackbaud, we're committed to fueling impact and unleashing generosity — not only through our software, but by taking action on the issues that matter most to our people, our community and our planet," said Mike Gianoni, president, CEO and vice chairman of the board, in a statement. "This report gives a detailed look into the standards we hold ourselves to as corporate citizens and the positive changes we're committed to making in the world. I am proud of the progress we have made and energized by all we have ahead of us."


Keywords: Blackbaud

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