Smart Energy Voices - Episode 102

Smart Energy Voices - Episode 102

Heard at Net Zero Forum: The Decarbonization Journey Begins With Energy Efficiency

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In this episode of Smart Energy Voices, host Debra Chanil welcomes Sharon L. Nolen, Program Manager & Fellow, Global Natural Resource Management at Eastman Chemical, for a dive into Eastman's journey toward decarbonization, emphasizing the pivotal role of energy efficiency in their strategy. Sharon highlights Eastman Chemical's commitment to sustainability, focusing on mitigating climate change, mainstreaming circularity and caring for society.

Sharon outlines Eastman Chemical's goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing renewable energy usage by 2030, providing examples of energy efficiency projects across analytics, utility systems, distribution, and manufacturing processes, emphasizing their cost-effectiveness and long-term sustainability benefits.


You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...

  • Eastman Chemical’s decarbonization journey (02:21)
  • Energy efficiency initiatives (04:45)
  • Goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (07:28)
  • Technological innovations in decarbonization (09:24)

Eastman Chemical’s Approach to Decarbonization and the Role of Energy Efficiency

Eastman Chemical's approach to decarbonization involves a multi-faceted strategy with a strong emphasis on energy efficiency. The company recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning toward carbon neutrality by 2050.

Eastman's approach to sustainability encompasses mitigating climate change, promoting circularity and caring for society. They have aligned their sustainability initiatives with their corporate values and long-term goals, including participating in EPA Energy Star and DOE Partner programs and revamping their energy management approach to optimize efficiency.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals

Eastman Chemical aims to reduce its absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by one-third by 2030. This reduction target reflects their commitment to mitigating climate change and minimizing its environmental impact. Eastman also has a long-term vision of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, a goal that aligns with global efforts to combat climate change.

The company plans to increase its use of renewable energy to support its sustainability objectives. By 2030, they aim for 100% of their purchased electricity in North America and Europe to come from renewable sources.

Overcoming Challenges Through Innovation, Collaboration, and Strategic Planning

Like other entities around the world, Eastman faces challenges as it works toward its decarbonization goals, including ensuring the necessary technologies for decarbonization are available and ready for implementation, capital investment required to fund projects, regulatory uncertainties, operational challenges, and risk of reliability decline in existing infrastructure.

To address these challenges, Eastman is investing in research and development, continued energy efficiency measures, renewable energy infrastructure and innovative decarbonization technologies. Additionally, they are actively monitoring regulatory developments, adapting strategies to comply with existing regulations while also anticipating future regulatory requirements, and implementing operational optimization measures to address the complexities of transitioning away from fossil fuel boilers and high thermal loads.

The Importance of Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency initiatives not only contribute to environmental sustainability but offer tangible benefits in terms of cost savings and operational improvement. By prioritizing energy efficiency, companies like Eastman can advance their sustainability objectives while driving business value. By reducing energy demand and associated costs, future decisions regarding larger-scale decarbonization solutions are simpler and more cost-effective.

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect with Sharon L. Nolen

Sharon L. Nolen is an Eastman Fellow and leads Eastman’s Global Natural Resource Management program as well as one of the company’s three Sustainability Subcouncils. She represents Eastman in the DOE Better Plants Program and the ENERGY STAR® Industrial Partner Program and serves on the Industrial Advisory Board for the National Alliance for Water Innovation. Nolen was recently selected by U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm to lead the Industrial Technology Innovation Advisory Committee (ITIAC), which is charged with helping to decarbonize America's industrial sector.

Sharon is a frequently invited speaker at national and international energy conferences. She has been published in Chemical Engineering Progress and Chemical Processing and authored a chapter in the book, “Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries.” She was named the 2019 International Energy Manager of the Year by the Association of Energy Engineers and received the American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ Energy and Sustainability Award in 2020. Sharon is a Professional Engineer and a Certified Energy Manager.

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