City of Henderson Upgrades to Energy Efficient Lighting - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  May 20, 2024

City of Henderson Upgrades to Energy Efficient Lighting

The City of Henderson, Nevada, will upgrade its street lighting infrastructure with LED technology through a $21 million project.

The project was awarded to Ameresco, a cleantech integrator specializing in energy efficiency and renewable energy.

This comprehensive initiative will convert over 30,000 streetlights across Henderson to energy-efficient LED technology. 

"The transition to LED lighting not only promises brighter streets and surrounding areas but also significant energy savings," said Lance Olson, Director of Public Works at the City of Henderson, in a statement. "By evaluating smart technology opportunities, we aim to improve outage monitoring and response times, and also to ensure appropriate light levels throughout the City, further enhancing public safety and service reliability."

Keywords: Henderson, Nevada

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