Guinness Brewery to Decarbonize - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  May 21, 2024

Guinness Brewery to Decarbonize

Diageo announced plans to invest over €100 million to decarbonize its St. James’s Gate site in Dublin 8, which is where Guinness has been brewed for 264 years. 

The investment is being made to accelerate net zero carbon emissions for the site and will transform energy and water consumption to make it a more efficient brewery by 2030.

The investment will enable St. James’s Gate to entirely phase out the use of fossil fuels in its direct brewing operations and reduce Scope 1and 2 GHG emissions generated by over 90%.

By 2030, the site’s renewable energy strategy will combine the use of grid-supplied electrical power heat pumps and biogas generated within a new water recovery facility. The facility will also improve water use efficiency and enable a projected 30% reduction in the water used to brew Guinness.

Diageo is preparing a planning application for the decarbonization project that will be submitted to Dublin City Council later in 2024 and will be engaging with industry experts, local communities and representatives prior to submitting the application.

“I want to thank the Taoiseach and Minister Burke for their support for our ambitious decarbonisation plan for St. James’s Gate as demonstrated by the support from our partners Enterprise Ireland,” said Diageo’s Global Chief Executive Officer, Debra Crew, in a statement. “We are proud to lead the way on decarbonisation, both as a major Irish business and as an industry-leading company.”

Diageo is taking action across its operations globally and in Ireland to reduce its carbon emissions in line with its 10-year ESG action plan, Society 2030: Spirit of Progress.

Keywords: Diageo, Guinness

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