Meta Adopts Solar in Indiana - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions, Commercial, Solar  -  August 22, 2024

Meta Adopts Solar in Indiana

Meta Platforms signed a long-term Environmental Attributes Purchase Agreement for an Indiana solar array.

The social media company signed the agreement for Arevon's Heirloom Solar Project in Pike County, Indiana.

Arevon Energy, Inc., a renewable energy developer, owner, and operator, began construction on the 60-megawatt (MWac) Heirloom Solar Project that is targeted to be fully operational in the third quarter of 2025. Arevon will own and operate the project.

"We are pleased to work with Arevon again as we continue the important work of advancing the transition to clean energy," said Urvi Parekh, Head of Renewable Energy at Meta, in a statement. "We look forward to the Heirloom Solar Project coming online and continuing our partnership."

Previous to Heirloom Solar, Arevon and Meta announced two long-term Environmental Attributes Purchase Agreements in March 2024 for the Kelso Solar Project in Scott County, Missouri. That project will deliver 349 MWac of power to support Meta's regional operations with 100% renewable energy.

Keywords: Arevon Energy, Meta

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