Weekend Reads: - Smart Energy Decisions

March 29, 2025

Weekend Reads: Geothermal Takes On Industrial Heat; Making Opera Sustainable

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:

Geothermal & heat pumps are quietly undermining fossil industrial heat (CleanTechnica)  This is not a story about experimental supercritical wells or AI-controlled concentrating solar mirrors. It’s about using 80° to 120° Celsius geothermal heat — conventional stuff, no fracking or absurd depths — and combining it with industrial heat pumps that are finally stepping out of their utility-room shadow and into real factory floors. 

UK steadies compass toward carbon-free shipping by 2050 (Offshore Energy)  Future fuels and harbor charge points have found themselves at the heart of the UK’s new major plan to decarbonize its fleet by 2050 while simultaneously supporting coastal economies.

Consortium looks to expand canal solar projects statewide (Turlock Journal)  The first solar-over-canal project in California, built over Turlock Irrigation District canals, has begun producing electricity, with plans to expand the technology to other areas of the state. Project Nexus, an initiative led by seven top California research universities, aims to accelerate the deployment of solar panels over California’s extensive canal network.

How researchers found a greener way to make fuel for nuclear fusion — by accident (Scientific American)  Researchers have found an environmentally safer way to extract the lithium 6 needed to create fuel for nuclear fusion reactors. The new approach doesn’t require toxic mercury, as conventional methods do.

How to make an opera as sustainable as possible (Nationale Opera & Ballet)  The Dutch National Opera & Ballet has researched how to create its productions as sustainably as possible. To reduce the environmental impact of its productions, it developed the Green Deal guideline. The new opera The Shell Trial, which premiered on March 16, 2024, was one of the first productions produced according to the Green Deal. 

Keywords: Weekend reads

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