Smart Energy Decisions News
Wind - June 24, 2021
Scottish Distiller Edrington Seeks Carbon Neutrality by 2030
Scottish whiskey distiller Edrington announced on June 22 that it has signed an agreement to use 100% renewable energy. This deal is an effort to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.
Sourcing Renewables - June 23, 2021
P&G Unveils Energy Innovation Hub
Procter & Gamble hopes to increase its development of intelligent supply chain operations through its new Product Supply Innovation Center.
Solar - June 23, 2021
Chick-fil-A Plans Solar Microgrids for Calif. Restaurants
Three Chick-fil-A restaurants in California will soon be receiving solar-enabled microgrids to increase resiliency and its use of renewable energy.
Sourcing Renewables - June 23, 2021
Miami Adds 22 New Electric Buses to Transit Fleet
Miami-Dade County announced June 22 the electrification of its transit bus fleet through a new partnership that will supply the Florida county with 42 new electric buses.
Sourcing Renewables - June 23, 2021
Amazon Becomes Largest US Corporate Buyer of RE
Amazon announced June 23 that it has become the largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy with the addition of 14 new projects in the U.S., Canada, Finland and Spain.
GHG Emissions - June 22, 2021
Facebook Reaches Net-Zero Goal
Facebook announced with the release of its 2020 Sustainability Report that it met its goal of net-zero emissions and 100% renewable energy for its global operations.
Sourcing Renewables - June 22, 2021
Con Edison Releases Update on Renewables Progress
Con Edison released June 18 its 2020 sustainability report and detailed the progress it has made to offer more clean energy and efficiency solutions to its customers throughout its service territory.
Sourcing Renewables - June 22, 2021
IKEA Foundation Launches $1B Project to Bring RE to Emerging Economies
IKEA Foundation announced June 21 that it is partnering with the Rockefeller Foundation on a $1 billion project to bring 1 billion people distributed renewable energy sources and reduce 1 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy Efficiency - June 22, 2021
JackRabbit Saves $25K Through Energy Upgrades to 29 Stores
JackRabbit cut energy costs by $25,000 in 2020 through the implementation of energy efficiency initiatives across 29 store locations.
Sourcing Renewables - June 21, 2021
New Coalition Advocates for Clean Energy Tax Code Changes
A new coalition founded by Advanced Energy Economy, Ameresco, Apex Clean Energy, Brookfield Renewable Partners, Intersect Power, Third Way, and CleanCapital is advocating for changes to the tax code that support the clean energy transition.
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