Smart Energy Decisions News
Solar - February 12, 2021
Intel Corp. to power Oregon facilities with solar
Intel announced on Feb. 11 that it has signed a 15-year agreement with PGE to purchase solar power to help provide renewable power for its technology development and manufacturing facilities in Hillsboro, Oregon.
Distributed Generation - February 12, 2021
U.S. renewables generation mix to double by 2050
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) announced on Feb. 8 that it expects the share of renewables in the U.S. electricity generation mix to increase from 21% in 2020 to 42% in 2050.
CHP - February 12, 2021
Howard University adds CHP plant to increase energy efficiency
Howard University, a private research university that is comprised of 13 schools and colleges, announced on Feb. 11 that it is planning a new central utility plant to provide electric and steam services to buildings on its Washington, D.C. campus.
Sourcing Renewables - February 11, 2021
Amazon, Google, Verizon lead list of 2020's largest energy buyers
Amazon, Google and Verizon topped the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance's (REBA) newly released list of 2020 leading large energy buyers.
Industrial - February 11, 2021
Carlsberg Group advances on 2022 goal with 7% emissions cut
The Carlsberg Group announced in its new sustainability report that it cut relative carbon emissions across its total value chain by 7% and across its breweries by 12% between 2015 and 2019.
GHG Emissions - February 11, 2021
Bank of America sets steps for net zero by 2050
Bank of America announced on Feb. 11 a series of initial steps it will take to achieve its goal of net zero GHG emissions in it financing activities by 2050, as well as broader 2030 operational and supply chain goals as part of a holistic commitment to environmental sustainability.
GHG Emissions - February 10, 2021
LA Metro transitions bus fleet to low-carbon fuel
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) announced on Feb. 8 that it has signed an agreement to purchase enough renewable natural gas (RNG) to fuel its bus fleet—the nation’s largest.
Sourcing Renewables - February 10, 2021
Colt Data Centre Services powers European operations with 100% renewable energy
Colt Data Centre Services (DCS), provider of data centers and cloud solutions, announced on Feb. 8 that its operations across the UK and Europe are fully powered by 100% renewable power.
GHG Emissions - February 10, 2021
Duke Energy launches eTransEnergy to help transition to EVs
Duke Energy announced on Feb. 1 the creation of eTransEnergy, a wholly owned subsidiary that will provide unregulated services to assist school districts, transit services, and companies across the country achieve their economic and sustainability goals as they transition to clean energy transportation options.
GHG Emissions - February 10, 2021
Wellesley College to transition central utility plant away from natural gas
Wellesley College, a liberal arts institution near Boston, announced on Feb. 10 that it is replacing its central utility plant to reduce demand costs and use of natural gas in an effort to meet its environmental sustainability objectives.
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