Smart Energy Decisions News
Wind - April 29, 2020
Nestle UK reaches 100% RE with new wind PPA
Nestlé UK announced April 27 that they have signed a 15-year PPA for 31 MW from an offshore wind farm that will supply 50% of their power consumption in UK operations.
GHG Emissions - April 29, 2020
Harvard to work toward net-zero by 2050
Harvard University announced April 21 that they are working with their investment managers on a path toward net-zero emissions by 2050.
Sourcing Renewables - April 28, 2020
GM's Cruise goes 100% renewable in San Fransisco fleet charging
Cruise announced April 22 that in addition to being the first self-driving car service company to produce an entire fleet on all-electric vehicles, they have officially begun to power their San Francisco fleet on 100% renewable energy.
Energy Efficiency - April 28, 2020
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh new building gets LEED Gold status
The Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh announced April 27 that their MuseumLab was awarded LEED Gold status by the U.S. Green Building Council for its eco-friendly design and operational practices.
GHG Emissions - April 28, 2020
Trane Technologies targets carbon neutrality by 2030
Trane Technologies announced April 27 that they have achieved an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the use of their refrigerant products since 2013, surpassing their 50% target, and are committed to being carbon neutral in their operatio
GHG Emissions - April 27, 2020
Capri Holdings commits to carbon neutrality, 100% renewables
Global luxury fashion group Capri Holdings Limited announced April 22 that they have committed to achieving net-zero emissions in their direct operations and 100% renewable energy by 2025.
Wind - April 27, 2020
Digital Realty inks wind PPA for Texas data centers
Digital Realty announced April 22 a 7.5-year agreement with Citi that will provide the cloud- and carrier-neutral data center provider with renewable energy power and credits that account for 30% of its power needs in the Dallas market.
April 27, 2020
Town of Niagara moves forward with community solar project
The town board of Niagara, N.Y., unanimously voted April 14 to submit a non-binding letter of intent to Nexamp, Inc. for a community solar project that would supply the local utility and allow energy savings of almost 10% for residents and municipalities.
Solar - April 25, 2020
Weekend reads: The evolution of corporate sustainability; The power behind the solar revolution
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.
Sourcing Renewables - April 24, 2020
New Platform Enables SED to Move Forward with All 2020 Events
Smart Energy Decisions announced today that is has developed a dynamic platform for facilitating virtual events and meetings between large electric power users and leading industry suppliers. What this means for the Smart Energy Decisions community is that all 2020 Smart Energy Decisions events will continue as planned with some held physically (when possible) and others – when necessary – held virtually.
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