Smart Energy Decisions News
Solar - December 13, 2019
Facebook launches Ga. solar farm to power data center
The 102.5 MW solar project that will begin to provide power to Facebook’s Newton County, Ga., data center went live Dec. 12, marking the social media company’s first solar project in the state.
Sourcing Renewables - December 12, 2019
Baker Hughes to power Texas operations with 100% RE
Baker Hughes finalized an agreement Dec. 11 that will eliminate 12% of their global carbon footprint through the purchase of 100% of the electricity needed for its Texas operations from renewable energy projects in the state.
December 12, 2019
Goldman Sachs commits to building efficiency, EV integration
Goldman Sachs became the first US company to become a member of all three of The Climate Group’s global corporate leadership initiatives around clean energy when they joined EV100 and EP100 Dec. 11.
GHG Emissions - December 11, 2019
University of Iowa rolls out 50-year energy improvement project
The University of Iowa finalized a 50-year concession for the implementation of a variety of energy projects across its two campuses in an effort to transition toward coal-free energy production by January 2025.
Energy Storage - December 11, 2019
NYC installs largest battery storage system to date
New York City is celebrating the launch of its new 4.8 MW battery storage system, the largest battery system in the city to date.
GHG Emissions - December 10, 2019
PVH Corp. commits to 100% RE, 71% emissions reduction
PHV Corp., the owner of apparel brands such as CALVIN KLEIN, TOMMY HILFIGER, Van Heusen, Speedo and IZOD, announced Dec. 9 the approval of their commitment to power 100% of offices, warehouses and stores with renewable energy by 2030 and reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 71%.
December 10, 2019
Investment firm PPA approved for solar and battery project
Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners, a specialist global investment manager, will begin to source power from a 690 MW solar and battery storage project through a 25-year PPA that was approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada Dec. 6.
December 9, 2019
Nucor plans first wind-powered steel plant
Nucor will become the first steel company with a manufacturing plant powered by wind energy with the installation of a $250 million "micro" mill in Sedalia, Mo.
Energy Efficiency - December 9, 2019
Buffalo pursues clean-energy financing program
Commercial and nonprofit building owners might soon be able to finance energy efficiency projects under a new program under consideration with the Buffalo, N.Y. Common Council.
Solar - December 7, 2019
Weekend reads: California's battery solution; Beaming solar power from space
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.
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