Smart Energy Decisions News
Solar - August 31, 2018
Amazon adds solar and Tesla storage in UK
Amazon will add 4.074 megawatts of rooftop solar to boost an existing system at its fulfillment center in Tilbury, England, The installation will also include a 3.77 megawatt Tesla battery.
Wind - August 30, 2018
Saleforce signs its largest PPA
Salesforce has signed a 15-year PPA for 80 megawatts produced from the Bright Stalk Wind Farm in McLean County, Ill. This PPA is Salesforce’s largest to date as it works towards a goal of 100% renewable energy.
August 30, 2018
Pittsburgh adds smart plugs for energy savings
The city of Pittsburgh is piloting a program for an integrated energy savings-as-a-service (iESaaS) initiative with the goal of bringing energy savings to city facilities.
Sourcing Renewables - August 29, 2018
Facebook sets 100% RE goal for 2020
Facebook has committed to a 2020 deadline for reducing its GHG emissions by 75% and powering its global operation with 100% renewable energy. The company’s earlier goal of supporting 50% of its facilities with RE by 2018, set in 2015, was achieved one year early at 51% in 2017.
Solar - August 29, 2018
Solar added to DEA site in Texas
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) at the El Paso Intelligence Center has completed a solar installation, representing a first for a DEA site.
Solar - August 28, 2018
University of Richmond spins Spider Solar
The University of Richmond (UR) announced on August 27 that it will become the first institution of higher learning in the southeast to match 100% of its electricity needs with solar energy thanks to a PPA for a 20-megawatt solar energy facility known as Spider Solar, named for the school’s mascot.
GHG Emissions - August 28, 2018
19 Mayors sign Net Zero Carbon pledge
Mayors from 19 cities around the world signed a pledge to enact regulations and/or planning policy to ensure new buildings operate at net zero carbon by 2030 and all buildings by 2050. The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Declaration is an initiative of C40 Cities.
August 27, 2018
Is Exxon turning to RE in Texas?
Exxon Mobil Corp. intends to purchase renewable energy for delivery in Texas. The company issued a request for proposals asking solar and wind suppliers to submit proposals by June 8 for long-term deals. The largest U.S. oil company asked for at least 100 megawatts and could go higher than 250 megawatts.
Solar - August 27, 2018
Beer distributor plans $2 million savings with solar
Brown Distributing Co. will install a 481-kW rooftop solar project at the company’s beverage distribution facility in Austin. The array is expected to save the company nearly $2 million over the next 25 years, paying for itself in less than five years
Energy Storage - August 25, 2018
Weekend reads: Sustainability's silent hero; Hoover Dam as giant battery
Kick back and relax with these must-read energy stories from around the web:
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