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Smart Energy Decisions News

Energy Efficiency  -  May 22, 2018

3M reveals energy efficiency progress

3M announced that it has improved global energy efficiency by 30% and increased global renewable energy by 25%. These metrics are part of the company’s 2025 Global Scorecard, released with its 2018 Sustainability Report.

Wind  -  May 22, 2018

First-time C&I’s drive record wind PPAs

Led by first-time wind PPA participants Adobe, AT&T, and Nestle, along with repeat customers Bloomberg, Facebook, Nike, and T-Mobile, the number of wind PPAs signed in the first quarter of 2018 reached 3,500 MW, the highest level in any quarter since American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) began tracking them in 2013.

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 21, 2018

Vermont Coffee Company is cooking with biogas

Vermont Coffee Company announced it is has become the first U.S. coffee roaster to use 100% renewable biogas to roast its coffee, using both thermal and electric energy sourced from renewable methane.

May 21, 2018

Shaw Industries achieves carbon neutrality

Shaw Industries Group, Inc. has achieved carbon neutrality in its commercial carpet manufacturing operations. The achievement includes all commercial carpet manufacturing facilities owned and operated by Shaw worldwide,

Energy Efficiency  -  May 19, 2018

Weekend reads: Apple's latest investment; Pop-up EV chargers & more

Kick back and relax with these must-read energy stories from around the web:

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 18, 2018

Fifth Third Bank added to RE Sourcing Forum Agenda

Smart Energy Decisions announced the addition of Fifth Third Bank to the agenda of the 2018 Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum to be held June 18-20 at the Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, Calif.

Solar  -  May 18, 2018

Intel reaches 3 million sq. ft. of solar arrays

"Imagine enough solar panels to cover 52 regulation U.S. football fields or 47 full-size soccer fields. (Intel) now estimates it has installed 3 million square feet of solar arrays at Intel sites in nine nations."

GHG Emissions  -  May 18, 2018

NYSERDA allocates $10 million for carbon reduction at C&I buildings

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced the availability of $10 million for clean energy projects that will reduce carbon emissions at commercial and industrial buildings throughout the state.

May 17, 2018

Lockheed Martin to build its largest solar field

Lockheed Martin announced plans to add a 2.5 MW solar field to their Moorestown, N.J. facility. The field will be designed, built, and constructed by Pfister Energy.

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 17, 2018

Virginia biomass case challenges state’s renewable market

A biomass company that wants to sell power to Ferrum College, a small, private college in Virginia, is challenging regulators’ interpretation of the state’s competitive supplier law.

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