Smart Energy Decisions News
Energy Storage - December 21, 2017
Stadium deploys storage for solar-powered EVs
A sports stadium in the Netherlands has embarked on an energy infrastructure project that will allow visitors to charge their electric vehicles with power generated from onsite solar panels.
Wind - December 21, 2017
Kimberly-Clark ramps up wind energy use
A milestone in the development of Kimberly Clark Corp.'s first major investment in wind energy: The Oklahoma project it has agreed to purchase 120 MW of generation from has entered operations.
Energy Efficiency - December 20, 2017
NYC passes mandate for buildings to post energy scores
New York City Council on Dec. 19 approved a landmark bill that will require commercial and residential buildings to post their energy efficiency scores and associated grades near their public entrances.
Energy Efficiency - December 20, 2017
Smart HVAC technology yields 36% savings at AU
A pilot project at American University that utilizes weather forecast data to control heating ventilation and air conditioning has yielded dramatic energy cost savings at an already LEED Gold-certified building on campus.
Solar - December 19, 2017
New Jersey manufacturer to save $6.5M with solar
A New Jersey manufacturing company that specializes in lamination is expecting to reduce its energy costs by $6.5 million over 25 years after installing a 1.4 MW rooftop solar project at one of its facilities.
Solar - December 19, 2017
Susquehanna U partners on 14-acre solar project
Artist’s rendering of the solar array being developed by WGL Energy and Susquehanna University provided by WGL Energy.
Solar - December 18, 2017
EDF, Toyota invest in vehicle-to-grid company
In a move aimed at providing options for corporate and industrial companies that want to offer workplace charging, EDF Renewable Energy and Toyota Tsusho have closed on a Series A investment in San-Diego based Nuvve Corp., a startup focused on vehicle-to-grid solutions.
Energy Efficiency - December 18, 2017
Microsoft plans efficient, net-zero water Calif. campus
In designing its new Silicon Valley campus, Microsoft Corp. is incorporating both energy and water conservation elements, accounting for California's frequent droughts.
Regulation - December 16, 2017
Weekend reads: The rise of the microgrid; Bitcoin's energy dilemma; wind, solar tax update & more
Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.
Sourcing Renewables - December 15, 2017
Corporates push EU toward 35% renewable target
Big companies, including Amazon, DuPont and Unilever, along with utilities and renewable energy suppliers, are urging members of the European Union's energy council to set a renewable energy target of at least 35% and lift barriers to corporate PPAs.
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