Smart Energy Decisions News
Distributed Energy Resources - August 30, 2017
IKEA continues EV charging station roll out
Part of its ongoing effort integrate sustainable energy solutions into its business, IKEA on Aug. 30 announced plans to deploy electric vehicle charging stations at its new store in Jacksonville, Fla.
GHG Emissions - August 29, 2017
Ford details GHG reduction strategy, goals
Government policies, physical risks, market trends and investor concern are among the host of external factors driving Ford Motor Co.'s global climate strategy, which has already reduced CO2 emissions by 52% per vehicle produced.
GHG Emissions - August 29, 2017
Molson Coors announces 2025 carbon goals
In announcing a new sustainability strategy with targets that run through 2025, Molson Coors Brewing Co. detailed its efforts to reduce carbon emissions and increase its use of cleaner energy sources, including investment in anaerobic digestion projects that recover biogas.
Energy Efficiency - August 28, 2017
Honda expands energy efficiency guidance program
Following on early successes, Honda has announced a new phase of its "Green Dealer Program," which has already saved the company $7.5 million in energy costs since its launch in 2012.
Sourcing Renewables - August 28, 2017
Apple CEO: Wind access 'paramount' for data centers
Following Apple Inc.'s announcement that Iowa would be home to its newest data center, CEO Tim Cook called renewable energy "paramount" to the company's decision to locate there.
Energy Storage - August 26, 2017
Weekend reads: DIY Powerwalls; solar's civil war; automakers become energy companies & more
Happy weekend! Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.
Sourcing Renewables - August 25, 2017
AT&T, Verizon asked to 'hang up on fossil fuels'
An environmental and social sustainability not-for-profit is urging two of the country's largest telecommunications companies — AT&T and Verizon — to accelerate adoption of renewable energy and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
GHG Emissions - August 25, 2017
States to extend, increase cap-and-trade program
New York and the eight other states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative have announced a proposal to update their efforts to lower carbon pollution by reducing the cap on power plant emissions an additional 30% below 2020 levels by 2030.
GHG Emissions - August 24, 2017
Cargill marks progress toward GHG targets
Global agricultural company Cargill Inc. detailed its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its 2017 annual report, noting work with The Nature Conservancy and other partners toward "a bolder path forward" against the backdrop of the Paris Agreement.
Regulation - August 24, 2017
DOE grid report: Renewables not a threat to reliability
Following months of controversy and speculation within the energy industry, the U.S. Department of Energy on Aug. 23 released a report outlining the findings of its study on electricity markets and reliability and attributing the retirement of tradit
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