City of Clay to Deploy Solar - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions, Commercial, Solar  -  August 19, 2024

City of Clay to Deploy Solar

A 7-MW DC ground-mount solar power project known as the Oak Orchard project has entered the development stage on a 23-acre site located in Clay, New York.

The project would be constructed on a closed landfill owned by the Town of Clay, repurposing land to produce green energy, according to a statement. The project is expected to be eligible for incentives under the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) NY-Sun Program.

The solar project will be developed by SolarBank Corporation, a renewable and clean energy project developer and owner focusing on distributed and community solar projects in Canada and the U.S., which has secured a lease over the project site and has applied for interconnection approval for the project. 

Assuming the successful receipt of interconnection approval, the company will work to complete the permitting process and secure the necessary financing for the construction of the project. Upon completion, the project will operate as a community solar project.

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