Microsoft Signs for 437 MW Renewable Power - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions, Commercial, Sourcing Renewables  -  August 27, 2024

Microsoft Signs for 437 MW Renewable Power

Tech company Microsoft signed a green attribute sale contract of 437.6 MW that is expected to generate over one million units of green electricity attributes annually, contributing to the company’s goal to be carbon-negative by 2030.

Microsoft signed the contract with ReNew, a renewable energy company in India.

As part of the agreement, ReNew will direct approximately $15 million of revenue from the contract toward a community fund to support environmental justice initiatives focusing on women’s livelihoods and economic empowerment, energy access, rural electrification, environmental remediation and water quality improvement, and other concerns of communities disproportionately impacted by pollution and climate change. 

This work will be delivered in partnership with ReNew Foundation, the philanthropic arm of ReNew, which works to create sustainable communities through climate action with a focus on women and youth and whose efforts are aligned with Microsoft’s Environmental Justice priorities.

“Microsoft has ambitious renewable energy and decarbonization goals,” said Puneet Chandok, President, Microsoft India & South Asia, in a statement. “This agreement with ReNew accelerates our progress towards these goals while benefiting local communities through initiatives such as rural electrification and initiatives to improve women’s livelihoods. We are taking a holistic approach that includes progressing our climate goals and empowering the ecosystem with the technology that is needed to build a more resilient future.”


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