Rhode Island Schools, Towns Add Solar - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions, Solar  -  August 27, 2024

Rhode Island Schools, Towns Add Solar

A solar project in Rhode Island will provide energy savings to 15 area non-profit organizations, schools, cities and towns.

The organizations signed an energy sales agreement with Nexamp to receive power from Rhode Island Energy. Over its lifetime, this project is expected to generate approximately 11.5 million kWh annually, contributing to Rhode Island’s goal of 100% renewable electricity across the state.

Nexamp and TurningPoint Energy (“TPE”) completed the collaboration on the new 9.4-megawatt (MW) solar farm in Warren, Rhode Island. The solar farm, which includes two co-located solar arrays made up of more than 17,000 solar modules, represents a  repurposing of acreage that was previously developed as a golf course.

Located in the Rhode Island Energy service territory, it is part of Rhode Island’s Virtual Net Metering program, exclusively serving schools, non-profits and municipalities.

“Congratulations to the Town of Warren and all of the parties involved with advancing this solar project,” said Chris Kearns, Acting Commissioner of the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, in a statement. “This system is a great contribution to Rhode Island’s Act on Climate objectives and supports our 100 percent renewable energy standard by 2033.”

One of the local groups benefiting from the solar project is Warren-based Hope & Main, a non-profit culinary incubator working to empower an inclusive community of entrepreneurs to jumpstart and cultivate thriving food businesses that are the foundation of a more just, sustainable and resilient local food economy.

TPE developed the project and Nexamp built, owns and operates it. Construction began in late 2022 and power was delivered to the grid for the first time last month. 

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