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Sourcing Renewables - September 6, 2017
Case study: Scaling renewables to match the enterprise
This case study, presented by Edison Energy, outlines the approach taken by Iron Mountain to increase its use of renewable energy through a series of cost-stabilizing transactions right-sized for its needs.
Utilities - September 6, 2017
Dominion Virginia to expand C&I solar options
As utilities continue to rethink their willingness to work with customers on renewables, Dominion Energy Virginia on Sept. 6 announced plans to expand solar options for commercial and industrial energy users.
Sourcing Renewables - September 6, 2017
T-Mobile signs PPA for Oklahoma wind
Wireless company T-Mobile US earlier this year signed a long-term power purchase agreement for output from an Oklahoma wind facility.
Utilities - September 5, 2017
Florida utility pivots from nuclear to solar, storage
As part of a settlement agreement with the Florida Public Service Commission that allows Duke Energy Florida to abandon work on a planned, 2.2 GW nuclear plant, the utility announced a four-year plan to add 700 MW of solar generation.
GHG Emissions - September 1, 2017
CBRE sets 1st ever GHG reduction target
Commercial real estate services and investment firm CBRE Group Inc. created its first global greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal in 2016.
Energy Efficiency - August 31, 2017
HanesBrands marks progress toward energy goals
Apparel company HanesBrands has outlined its energy reduction and renewable energy use targets alongside its latest disclosure of carbon emissions and related information to the CDP.
Solar - August 30, 2017
Amazon unveils massive rooftop solar project Inc. on Aug. 29 announced what it says is the largest rooftop solar project in New Jersey: A 22,000-panel system at its fulfillment center in Carteret.
Sourcing Renewables - August 30, 2017
SED to present corporate renewable energy sourcing research findings at Climate Week NYC
Smart Energy Decisions will discuss the key findings of its soon-to-be-released report, "The State of Corporate Renewable Energy Sourcing," along with a panel of experts from Goldman Sachs, General Motors and event sponsor Edison Energy at a Sept. 20 event held in conjunction with Climate Week NYC.
GHG Emissions - August 29, 2017
Molson Coors announces 2025 carbon goals
In announcing a new sustainability strategy with targets that run through 2025, Molson Coors Brewing Co. detailed its efforts to reduce carbon emissions and increase its use of cleaner energy sources, including investment in anaerobic digestion projects that recover biogas.
Energy Efficiency - August 28, 2017
Honda expands energy efficiency guidance program
Following on early successes, Honda has announced a new phase of its "Green Dealer Program," which has already saved the company $7.5 million in energy costs since its launch in 2012.
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