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Commercial | Page 156

Sourcing Renewables  -  December 29, 2015

Google invests big in renewable energy for data centers

Google is making considerable long-term investments in renewable energy to power their own operations and support renewable energy penetration globally.

Sourcing Renewables  -  December 1, 2015

Solar Means Business 2015: Top U.S. Corporate Solar Users

In this report, the Solar Energy Industries Association, a trade association for solar energy and related businesses, highlights the growing list of companies choosing to go solar.

Sourcing Renewables  -  October 18, 2015

Green-e Verification Report, 2014

This annual report from the Center for Resource Solutions highlights results from the annual verification process audit for Green-e participants.

Regulation  -  October 16, 2015

Renewable Energy in the EPA's Clean Power Plan, Part 1: Introduction to Emission Rate Credits

Center for Resource Solutions digs into the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan with an introduction to emission rate credits.

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