Finance | Page 24 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Finance | Page 24

April 21, 2020

Goldman Sachs meets 98% of RE goal, cuts energy use 12%

Goldman Sachs announced that they have met 98% of their electricity needs with renewable energy as of the end of 2019, cut energy use by 12% ahead of their 2020 goal of 10% and intend to source 80% of their renewable energy from long-term PPAs and on-site projects by 2025.

Finance  -  April 20, 2020

BMO Financial to offset 100% of electricity use with RECs

BMO Financial Group pledged April 20 a goal to match 100% of its electricity this year and beyond with renewable energy by supporting global renewable energy projects through investment in RECs.

Finance  -  April 18, 2020

Weekend reads: Building a green economy post-Covid; Biden and Sanders team up on climate

It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.

Finance  -  April 16, 2020

BlackRock closes on $5.1 billion sustainability fund

BlackRock’s Global Energy & Power Infrastructure Fund closed April 15 on a $5.1 billion fund for Global Energy & Power Infrastructure Fund III to invest in sustainability projects.

Sourcing Renewables  -  April 7, 2020

Renewables' share of market stays strong despite falling gas prices

Renewable energy is expected to account for nearly 21% of the electricity in the United States this year, the highest percentage ever, despite falling oil and gas prices as the COVID-19 crisis upends the world economy.

Regulation  -  April 6, 2020

NJ explores alternatives to PJM

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities launched March 27 an investigation into the best methods for the state to reach its carbon-free goal by 2050 in response to the FERC's December decision to expand the Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR).

Finance  -  April 2, 2020

Spain and Sweden offer cheapest corporate RE in Europe, study finds

Sweden and Spain were found to have the cheapest average corporate PPA prices in Europe for wind and solar electricity in a new report released April 2 by BloombergNEF based on data from 25 players in the region’s clean energy market.

Energy Efficiency  -  April 2, 2020

Los Angeles residential property to get $14.5M in C-PACE funding

A new multifamily residential property in the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles will be receiving energy efficiency upgrades through $14.5 million in C-PACE funding between Counterpointe Sustainable Real Estate and the California Statewide Commun

Energy Efficiency  -  April 1, 2020

Pfizer issues first-ever $1.25 billion green bond

Pfizer Inc. announced March 27 the competition of a $1.25 billion ten-year green bond, a first for the company and for a biopharmaceutical company.

GHG Emissions  -  March 31, 2020

Barclays targets net-zero in operations and lending recipients

Barclays announced March 30 a target to reach net-zero carbon emissions in both its own activities and the activities it finances by 2050 after facing pressure to do so from a group of investors.

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