Finance | Page 7
September 27, 2023
Bell Canada Adds Sustainability-linked Pricing to Securitization Program
Bell Canada announced it amended its existing Cdn $2.3 billion securitization program to add sustainability-linked pricing.
Commercial - September 11, 2023
Allianz Inaugural Net-Zero Transition Plan
Allianz published its Inaugural Net-Zero Transition Plan, which substantiates the company’s long-term net-zero commitments by setting intermediary targets for 2025 for its proprietary investments and announces its 2030 targets for proprietary investments and P&C underwriting.
Finance - August 21, 2023
Kimco Realty’s Green Bond Finances Renewable Projects
Kimco Realty announced that out of the $493.7 million in net proceeds from the green bond issuance, $373.8 million, or over 75%, was allocated to finance eligible green projects.
Finance - August 11, 2023
Smart Energy Voices Podcast - Episode 86: Developing an Innovative Clean Energy Financing Tool
In this episode of Smart Energy Voices, host Debra Chanil is joined by Abby Johnson, President of both Abacus Property Solutions and the Virginia PACE Authority. She is a winner of the 2023 WISE (Women in Smart Energy) Award in the category of Industry Veteran. Abby will discuss the PACE model financing that allows private building owners to use public capital.
July 22, 2023
Weekend Reads: The IRA One Year In; Labor Crunch Threatens Clean Energy
It’s the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:
July 19, 2023
Understanding Renewable Energy Agreements
Renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs) and virtual PPAs (VPPAs) are becoming increasingly popular as more utility and corporate buyers decarbonize. In this guide, energy experts from Enel North America explain the opportunities and challenges associated with these valuable tools.
Finance - July 18, 2023
IMTT Launches Inaugural Sustainability-Linked Loan Facility
International-Matex Tank Terminals announced that ITT Holdings LLC has successfully amended its existing revolving credit facility.
Finance - July 13, 2023
Coca-Cola Launches Sustainability-Focused Venture Capital Fund
The Coca-Cola Company and eight global bottling partners announced the closing of a new $137.7 million venture capital fund that focuses on sustainability investments.
GHG Emissions - July 10, 2023
Apollo Allocates $6B Across Clean Energy Investments
Apollo, an asset management business, announced milestones in its sustainability journey, including allocating $6B in clean energy and climate investments across asset classes, which signifies significant progress toward its $50B target.
GHG Emissions - July 5, 2023
Travelers Companies Lowers Emissions by 55%
The Travelers Companies, Inc. lowered its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 55% since 2011, reinforcing its commitment to become carbon neutral across its owned operations by 2030.
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