Industrial | Page 49 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Industrial | Page 49

Sourcing Renewables  -  August 26, 2019

SED’s RE Sourcing Forum program expanded

Smart Energy Decisions has announced the addition of several special sessions to their upcoming Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum, set for September 16-18 at the Ponte Vedra Beach Club & Inn, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Buyer registration closes Wednesday, August 28.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 23, 2019 - By Caitlin Marquis, Advanced Energy Economy

Here’s What Big EVs Can Do For You 

While electric vehicle aficionados swoon over the latest addition to Tesla’s passenger vehicle line, companies, cities, and school districts are quietly taking advantage of new model offerings in the medium- and heavy-duty segment. This column from Advanced Energy Economy explores why fleet owners are making the switch to electric and considers the lessons learned by early adapters.

August 21, 2019

C&Is set new record for renewables purchases

Solar and wind purchases by some of the nation’s largest commercial and industrial (C&I) entities set a new record in 2018 and the activity is continuing to advance.

August 20, 2019

Ardent Mills signs 25-year subscription for solar

Denver-based Ardent Mills, a flour-milling and ingredient company, has finalized a 25-year agreement with US Solar to purchase an expected 1.8 million kWh annually. This energy partnership is a subscription plan that will reduce energy costs at the company’s Hastings Mill, the first operating mill in Minnesota.

August 13, 2019

Owens Corning Issues $450M Green Bond

Owens Corning has completed the issuance of its inaugural green bond, This $450 million bond is payable over 10 years at a coupon rate of 3.95%. In conjunction with the bond, the company has committed to spend $445 million on eligible sustainability projects.

Sourcing Renewables  -  August 12, 2019

Corporates on track for biggest year in global PPAs

Corporations signed contracts to purchase 8.6GW of clean energy in 2019 through July. This is up from 7.2GW at the same time last year. Overall, 2019 is on pace to be bigger than 2018 for corporate PPAs globally. The U.S. made up 69% of this activity, making it by far the biggest market globally.

Sourcing Renewables  -  August 6, 2019

RE Sourcing Forum: Final agenda set

Smart Energy Decisions announced the final agenda for the Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum with the addition of a high-powered panel on international RE sourcing and presentations from Mondelez International and Sprint. The Forum will take place September 16-18 at the Ponte Vedra Beach Club & Inn, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

Sourcing Renewables  -  August 5, 2019

HanesBrands ahead of RE schedule

Renewable energy sources accounted for 40% of HanesBrands energy use in 2018, up 7 percentage points compared with 2017. This level of renewable energy reliance met the company’s 2020 goal of 40% two years early.

August 2, 2019

Organic Valley becomes largest food company to source 100% RE

Organic Valley, America's largest cooperative of organic farmers and a leading organic brand, announced that construction of three community solar projects totaling 12.67 MWdc is complete, making the cooperative the largest food company in the world to be 100% renewably powered.

July 25, 2019

Ball Corp. signs for 161 MW of wind

Ball Corporation has signed a 15-year virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) for 161 MW of the Frontier Windpower II project in Kay County, Okla. Full mobilization for construction for Frontier II will occur later this summer, and the wind project will be fully operational by December 2020.

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