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Industrial | Page 62

Energy Efficiency  -  April 4, 2018

Energy Star Awards for Sustained Excellence in Energy Management

The EPA has announced its 2018 Energy Star winners for Partner of the Year for Sustained Excellence in Energy Management. This award recognizes those partners who have received Energy Star recognition for multiple years that have gone above and beyond

Wind  -  April 4, 2018

Grupo Bimbo signs VPPA for U.S. operations

Grupo Bimbo announced on Apr. 4 that it has signed a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) for wind energy to power its Bimbo Bakeries USA facilities. The agreement is part of the company’s initiative to become the first baking company

Wind  -  April 3, 2018

MGP commits to 100% wind power

MGP, a leading U.S. supplier of premium distilled spirits and specialty wheat proteins and starches, announced a major renewable energy initiative with the commitment to source 100% of their electricity needs from renewable wind power.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 28, 2018

Infographic & Video: Data Driven—Advancing a sustainable future

The amount of data created doubles every two years, with approximately 2% of the U.S.’s electrical energy going to data centers—more energy than most states use. This rapid growth is creating an expanding energy efficiency gap.

GHG Emissions  -  March 26, 2018

Nestlé moves closer to GHG, RE goals

Nestlé reported that the company has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by over 30% in the last 10 years and has achieved an overall reduction of 26.5% in manufacturing operations vs. 2010. The company remains on track to achieve their 2030 goal of zero environmental impact in all operations.

Finance  -  March 19, 2018 - By 3Degrees

Close collaboration leads to green tariff that works for businesses and utilities

Data centers are a fast-growing source of energy consumption. While today they consume 2% of the electricity in the US, by 2030 that figure is expected to grow to 10%. Switch, a technology infrastructure corporation, wants to ensure this tremendous growth in energy consumption occurs in the most sustainable way

Energy Storage  -  March 19, 2018

Rolls-Royce partners on high energy storage tech

Rolls-Royce has signed an agreement with Superdielectrics, a UK-based technology start-up, to explore ways to create "next generation high energy storage technology."

Energy Storage  -  March 15, 2018

Tesla bids for world’s largest battery system

Xcel Energy has confirmed that it received a bid from Tesla for a major renewable energy and storage project in Colorado that would create the biggest Powerpack battery system in the world if the bid is accepted.

Solar  -  March 13, 2018

Campbell Soup premieres 4.4-MW solar array in N.J.

Campbell Soup Company announced on Mar. 12 that the 4.4-megawatt solar power project located at its Camden, N.J. world headquarters is officially online. Construction on the project – Campbell’s fifth U.S. renewable energy venture

March 9, 2018

L'Oréal to reach carbon neutrality in 2019

L'Oréal announced plans to achieve carbon neutrality in 2019 for all 21 of its U.S. manufacturing and distribution facilities. The company is adding renewable natural gas (RNG) to it’s energy portfolio in order to reach this goal.

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