Renewable Energy Articles | Page 167
Sourcing Renewables - December 15, 2021
Smithfield Foods Joins Farm Powered Strategic Alliance
Smithfield Foods Inc. is the latest food company to join the Farm Powered Strategic Alliance (FPSA), a collaborative movement to boost food waste reduction and recycling and expand renewable energy production across America.
Sourcing Renewables - December 15, 2021
American Natural Gas Signs RNG Deal
American Natural Gas, LLC has signed a 10-year agreement to receive renewable natural gas (RNG), which will supply its compressed natural gas (CNG) in stations nationwide.
December 14, 2021
Westchester County, NY Rolls Out Solar Project
A community solar and storage facility located in Westchester County, New York was completed for Catholic Charities Progress of Peoples Development Corporation (CCPOPD).
December 13, 2021
5 Trends for Renewable Energy Buyers in 2022 and Beyond
Enel Green Power’s guide offers unique insights for companies designing their sustainable energy procurement strategies. The guide responds to companies’ questions regarding near-term growth and developments in wind and solar. Readers will learn about the rise of decarbonization and Scope 3 targets, increasing interest in environmental and social aspects of projects, supply chain, workforce and transmission challenges, demands for new solutions and the latest regulatory developments.
Sourcing Renewables - December 13, 2021
Isle of Wight County Schools Offsets Electricity With Solar
The Isle of Wight County Schools will now offset nearly 50% of the total electricity needs of seven of its schools with a combined 3.3 MW solar system.
GHG Emissions - December 13, 2021
Merck Issues $1 Billion Inaugural Sustainability Bond
Merck announced its inaugural issuance of a $1 billion sustainability bond, which was part of an $8 billion underwritten public offering of notes that closed on Dec. 10, 2021.
Solar - December 13, 2021
Salt Lake City Government to Run Primarily on Renewables
The government of Salt Lake City expects to use renewables from a new solar farm to power 80% of its municipal buildings.
Distributed Energy Resources - December 11, 2021
Weekend Reads: Demand Response Transit; Fixing the Power Grid
t's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these don't-miss articles from around the web:
Solar - December 10, 2021
Massachusetts Adds More Community Solar
A group of rooftop solar projects are online and the remainder are scheduled to be commissioned by early 2022 in Massachusetts, ranging from the Cape Cod region to the Berkshires.
Finance - December 9, 2021
Orange Launches Carbon Fund
Telecommunications operator Orange announced the creation of Orange Nature, a €50 million carbon fund, with returns in high-quality carbon credits only.
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