Renewable Energy | Page 186 | Smart Energy Decisions

Renewable Energy Articles | Page 186

Finance  -  August 19, 2021

PNC Pledges $20 Billion in Sustainable Financing

PNC pledged Aug. 18 to finance $20 billion for sustainability-related projects over five years.

Solar  -  August 19, 2021

Univ. of Minnesota Student Housing Co-Ops Get 400 kW of Rooftop Solar

Riverton Community Housing, a student accommodation site near the University of Minnesota, recently completed four solar arrays on its buildings.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 18, 2021

Apple Launches Accelerator for Minority-Owned Environmental Businesses

Apple announced the first cohort selected for its Impact Accelerator, a new program focused on supporting minority-owned businesses that develop environmentally-focused solutions.

Solar  -  August 18, 2021

Fort Riley to Install 385 Solar Projects on Base Housing

The Fort Riley U.S. Army base will soon be implementing phase two of a solar energy installation initiative at military family homes across the community.

Sourcing Renewables  -  August 18, 2021

IKEA Plans Clean Electricity Subscription Service

IKEA will soon offer its Swedish customers access to wind and solar energy through an electricity subscription service.

Solar  -  August 17, 2021

Philadelphia to Offer Solar Financing for Home and Business Owners

Homeowners and owners of commercial properties in Philadelphia could have access to solar panel financing under a new phase of a project implemented by the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA).

Solar  -  August 17, 2021

New Jersey Landfill to House 25 MW Solar Project

The largest North American solar farm installed on a capped landfill is now under construction in New Jersey.

August 16, 2021 - By Caitlin Marquis, Advanced Energy Economy

Charting a Path for Voluntary Renewable Energy Buyers as States Set 100% Clean Energy Targets

Voluntary renewable energy buyers ranging from large companies to universities to municipalities have unquestionably accelerated the transition to a cleaner grid - but what is the role of the voluntary markets moving forward? In this column, Caitlin Marquis of AEE explains concerns that could crop up if compliance targets fail to take the voluntary market into account

Commercial  -  August 16, 2021

Alphabet Allocates $3 Billion from Sustainability Bond

Google parent company Alphabet allocated $3.47 billion from the proceeds of a portfolio of sustainability bonds issued last year and announced a new target for Google to run on carbon-free energy 24/7, 365 days a year by 2030.

Finance  -  August 16, 2021

DOE Awards $84 Million For Building Efficiency Projects

The U.S. Department of Energy announced Aug. 13 a new program that will fund 44 projects dealing with energy-efficient building technologies, construction practices, and the U.S. buildings-sector workforce.

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