Renewable Energy Articles | Page 202
Finance - May 12, 2021
Kellogg Company Prices Its First Sustainability Bond
Kellogg Company has announced its pricing of a EUR 300 million 8-year Sustainability Bond. The food company’s inaugural sustainability bond, this bond has an interest coupon of 0.50% per annum.
GHG Emissions - May 12, 2021
Amazon Issues $1B Sustainability Bond
Amazon has issued a $1B Sustainability Bond, whose proceeds will fund sustainability and social projects.
GHG Emissions - May 12, 2021
Caterpillar Announces 2030 Sustainability Goals, Reports ESG Progress
Caterpillar, Inc. announced on May 11 new sustainability goals centered around climate, environment, and safety. Among the goals to achieve by 2030 in operations energy and emissions: a science-based Scope 1 and 2 goal to reduce absolute GHG emissions from its operations by 30% from 2018 to 2030.
Sourcing Renewables - May 12, 2021
Hawaii’s Big Island Also Big On Renewable Energy
Thanks to three large solar projects, Hawaii Island – also known as the Big Island - may be the first in the state to hit 100% of its renewable energy goal, hitting that mark by 2023 and reaching 110% by 2024, according to the Hawaiian Electric Company.
Solar - May 11, 2021
Solar Canopies Top Downtown Long Beach Parking Areas
Construction of solar canopies is underway at three downtown Long Beach, California, public parking locations. This project is the first of two phases for the City of Long Beach's solar energy PPA with PFMG Solar Long Beach, LLC, which will place a total of 10 solar installations at various public facilities throughout Long Beach.
Wind - May 11, 2021
Engie North America Powers Houston HQ With Texas Wind
ENGIE North America announced on May 11 that its Houston headquarters is now under contract to use 100% renewable energy from its own Live Oak wind project in Texas.
GHG Emissions - May 11, 2021
Bed Bath & Beyond Commits to Net Zero by 2040
In its first comprehensive environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy, Bed Bath & Beyond has set a 2040 target of net zero emissions.
Finance - May 10, 2021
HSBC to Offer Green Deposits for Commercial Clients
HSBC Bank USA has introduced Green Deposits for businesses. These deposits give commercial clients the option to support decarbonization initiatives with their cash reserves.
Sourcing Renewables - May 10, 2021
University of Notre Dame Boosts Sustainability with St. Joseph’s Solar Power
Clean solar energy is now flowing from the new 20-megawatt St. Joseph's Solar Power Farm, located eight miles from the University of Notre Dame. The solar project results from a partnership with Notre Dame, American Electric Power (AEP), and Indiana Michigan Power (I&M).
Sourcing Renewables - May 8, 2021
Weekend Reads: Rising Electricity Demand in Virginia; The Logistics of Airport Solar Farms
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.
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