Renewable Energy Articles | Page 369
Energy Efficiency - January 31, 2018
Innovation Award winners announced
The judges have made their decisions, and Smart Energy Decisions is pleased to announce the winners in the first Innovation Awards competition. The winners will be recognized at a reception and special dinner on Feb. 27
Wind - January 31, 2018
New wind farms drive investment in 2017 and beyond
The U.S. wind power industry ended 2017 with $11 billion in new private investment and 7,017 MW of new wind capacity, according to the U.S. Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2017 Market Report, released on Jan. 30 by the American Wind Energy Association
January 31, 2018
Utility Roundup: Duke Energy, PPL Corp. announce moves
Duke Energy announced that it has renewed a long-term PPA with Craven County Wood Energy, while PPL Corporation announced a goal to cut the company's carbon dioxide emissions 70% from 2010 levels by 2050.
Sourcing Renewables - January 30, 2018
Qantas flies LA-Melbourne on mustard seed biofuel
Qantas flew the world’s first US-Australia flight powered by biofuel on Monday. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner was powered by 24,000 kilograms of a mustard seed-based blended fuel.
January 30, 2018
Arizona calls for 80% RE and nuclear by 2050
A proposal for Arizona utilities to source 80% of their electricity from renewables and nuclear power by 2050 was announced today by Andy Tobin, Arizona’s utility regulator. The Arizona Energy Modernization Plan calls for an interim goal
Commercial - January 29, 2018
Special sessions set for Innovation Summit
In addition to featured keynote presentations delivered by senior energy management executives at HP, Corning, Goldman Sachs, Toyota, Equinix and Kingspan, the following special sessions are scheduled for the 2nd annual Smart Energy Decisions Innovation Summit
Sourcing Renewables - January 29, 2018
T-Mobile commits to 100% RE, predicts savings of $100m
T-Mobile announced its commitment to reach 100% renewable energy by 2021. The company has become the latest to join RE100.
Sourcing Renewables - January 29, 2018
RE100 at 122 companies and counting
RE100 now boasts 122 multinational businesses that have made the commitment to 100% renewable energy across their operations, according to their just-released third annual report. The organization met its goal of 100 members in July 2017
Energy Efficiency - January 26, 2018
PwC pledges 100% RE
PwC, formerly Pricewaterhouse Coopers, announced that it will commit to procuring 100% renewable energy and reducing its total carbon footprint by 40%.
Utilities - January 26, 2018
Capital Dynamics to fund school district exit from NV Energy
Nevada’s Clark County School District is considering leaving NV Energy’s service territory with an eye towards lowering electric costs and delivering solar-powered energy through an agreement with three companies.
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