Solar | Page 179 | Renewable Energy | Smart Energy Decisions

Solar | Page 179

Sourcing Renewables  -  September 6, 2016

Ball signs 1st solar, wind deals in California, Ohio

Ball Corp., best known for its early production of glass jars and lids, has joined a growing number of U.S. manufacturers turning to renewable energy to help power their operations.

Distributed Generation  -  August 30, 2016

Grand Hyatt Atlanta's hot water system goes solar

Hyatt Hotels has a 2020 goal to reduce energy use, greenhouse gas emissions per square meter in each region by 25% compared to 2006.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 27, 2016

Weekend reads: Cannabis and LEDs; a gasoline-powered car ban; DOE program under fire & more

Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.

Solar  -  August 25, 2016

Community solar spurs corporate commitment

Joining the growing number of U.S. corporations making commitments to renewable energy, window and door manufacturer Andersen Corp. took a big bite of solar this year through a state-sanctioned community solar program.

Energy Storage  -  August 23, 2016

IKEA expands rooftop solar, fuel cell portfolios

IKEA is expanding its use of fuel cell systems to the East Coast, announcing on Aug. 23 plans for a biomass-powered system at its store in New Haven, Conn.

Industrial  -  August 22, 2016 - By Amy Poszywak

Views from the top: How GM is transforming manufacturing with renewables, energy storage

With series of recent announcements, General Motors is proving that renewable energy can power American manufacturing. In this exclusive interview, GM's executive director of global environmental compliance and sustainability discusses the automaker's energy strategy and its vision for the future.

Sourcing Renewables  -  August 22, 2016

Toyota leads new clean energy revenue rankings

In an inaugural "Carbon Clean 200" list, two corporate sustainability advocacy organizations have ranked global public companies according to total revenue generated from clean energy.

Energy Procurement  -  August 20, 2016

Weekend reads: SolarCity layoffs; Appalachia beyond coal; the cost of cold air & more

Kick back with these must-read energy stories from around the web.

Finance  -  August 18, 2016

PACE helps Harley-Davidson dealer go solar

Utilizing Connecticut Green Bank's Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, or PACE, financing program, a popular Harley-Davidson dealership will soon be offsetting 100% of its electrical energy needs with solar.

Solar  -  August 16, 2016

Iron Mountain crushes 2015 corporate energy goals

The storage and information management services company slashed energy use 12% while increasing its use of renewable energy sixfold in 2015, according to its new corporate responsibility report, which also details its successes in utilizing solar.

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